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“It can’t get much better than this.” News from the road. Concert Choir Tour!

Where to start on what has truly been a day absolutely full of everything one can expect from Disney and some! We are all exhausted.

The kids outdid themselves at the Performance Workshop and spent 90 minutes with Vangie Gunn, the Disney ‘Clinician’ as she is called. She showed them – in a very fast and engaging manner – how to interpret two very different Disney songs and they picked it up in no time, made two professional-level recordings and had a great time doing it. We were even mentioned in their Performing Arts schedule!

They came away really excited with energy to burn which was a good thing as we spent the next 8 hours in Disneyland and met up in the evening to watch “Colors”, the Disney show in California Park which left us all speechless. It is a combination of water, light, film, music and endless imagination.

One choir member was celebrating his birthday so he received a special button and whenever Disney cast members saw this, they were supposed to wish him Happy Birthday! After the workshop, we broke up into smaller ‘pods’ and everyone did their own thing with a chaperone but there was definitely a common thread …. to aim for rides on Space Mtn, Splash Mtn, the Matterhorn, Pirates of the Caribbean, Thunder Mtn …. the common denominator being water! By comparison, the morning train ride was very sedate!

Some of the boys found themselves ‘enchanted’ by Houdini magician… whereas others caught Meredith from ‘Brave’ in a somewhat graceless moment!

We had one lost red cap on the Disney train which was actually turned in so the forgetful culprit picked it up at Disney’s City Hall with Mads. And a forgotten backpack under a table that was spied by a tourist and given to a chaperone who was fortunately still sitting in the area although it took the chorister over 30min before he realized it was no longer on his back!

We also discovered a great way to avoid buying the photos that are taken at the attractions… just take a photo of them ourselves!

And now it is time to wish everyone a good night from the Desert Palm Hotel in Anaheim. Tomorrow we attack California Park.

Mads and Hil


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Email Executive Director, Carla Tadla:

Phone: 250-721-0856

Registered Charitable organization number: #86380 8440 RR0001

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The Victoria Children's Choir is a Member of Choral Canada and the BC Choral Federation.

We would like to acknowledge that we gather on the unceded, ancestral lands of the Lekwungen speaking peoples – the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations, who have stewarded these lands and waterways since time immemorial, and whose connection to the land continues to this day. We are grateful to live, learn, raise our families, and make music on these beautiful lands. We would also like to acknowledge our Métis, Inuit and urban Indigenous partners and friends who call these lands their home.

© Victoria Children's Choir

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